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Moderator's Message

Bro. Larry Treadway


                                                                        Theme:  "One"


It is a privilege to once again serve as the association moderator. Please make note and plan to attend the association meetings --- Friday evening at 7 p.m. will be our worship service and communion and Saturday morning will be our general session and worship @ 9 a.m.  This year’s session will be hosted by Pastor Don Key and Macedonia Church in Franklin, KY.


Spending time to pray over the theme and direction for worship, it has been on my mind for the past couple of years, the subject of unity, bringing believers together as ONE in Christ and bringing our local churches together as ONE instead of twenty-eight individual churches with twenty-eight agendas.   We can do more for the kingdom by worshipping and serving together.  We can also support each other’s efforts, fellowship together and pray for each other.

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